OMERO.figure scripting


We can use Python scripts on the OMERO.server or JavaScript in the browser Console to create or modify OMERO.figures. These are experimental features and not documented elsewhere.



Figure creation in Python

OMERO.figure files are simply JSON data, stored in OMERO File Annotations with a specific namespace of omero.web.figure.json. We can create these files using Python scripts, uploaded to the OMERO.scripting service to make them available to all OMERO users.

The format of the JSON is described in the Format page. We will use the example script.

  1. Select a few multi-channel Images in the webclient.

  2. Click on the Script button script_icon in the top-right of the webclient and choose the script (e.g. under Workshop Scripts).

  3. Choose a value for Row Labels input. The default is label each row with the Image Name, but you can also choose Tags as in the example below.

  4. Run the script. When complete, open the OMERO.figure app and File > Open.

  5. Choose the most recent figure, called “Split View Figure”.


Figure editing in JavaScript

  1. To see the data model for any current file in OMERO.figure, go to File > Export as JSON….

  2. You will see that the panels list defines the panels and each panel has attributes. For example, a panel with a single white label might include the following attributes:

    "name": "image1.tiff",
    "labels":[{"text":"label text","size":12,"position":"topleft","color":"FFFFFF"}],
    "x": 200, "y", 200, "width": 100, "height": 100,
    ...many other attributes not shown...
  3. The figureModel variable is accessible in the Console of the browser Developer Tools. The easiest way to open the developer tools in most browsers is to open the context menu (right-click) anywhere on the page and choose Inspect.

  4. We can use figureModel.getSelected() to get selected panels and for each panel we can call p.set() to change an attribute.

  5. For example, to set the height of several panels to 200, we can select the panels in the figure UI and paste this code snippet in the Console:

        p.set('height', 200)
  6. There are several JavaScript examples in the scripts folder. Many of these are quite simple and self-explanatory. Below are some more complex examples that require specific set-up steps.

Example 1: Labels from Map Annotations

We will use the time-lapse images listed above to create a FRAP figure but you can use any time-lapse images.

  1. We can use AJAX to load JSON data and we will use p.add_labels() to create labels.

  2. In this example we will load the FRAP intensities from the Map Annotations on these images.

  3. Select 2 FRAP images that have previously been analysed to create a Map Annotation with the namespace demo.simple_frap_data.

  4. Alternatively, you can add your own Map Annotation with each Key being a T-index (start at 0), and the Value will be a FRAP intensity (number).

  5. Create a Figure with 2 images.

  6. Copy and paste each image several times and increment T-index in the Preview panel to show multiple time-points per image.

  7. Open the browser console by right-click > Inspect Element (Firefox) or right-click > Inspect (Chrome) and click on the Console tab.

  8. Copy the code from figure_frap_mapannotation_label.js <>.

  9. Drag to select the FRAP movie images in the figure.

  10. Paste the code into the console. Do not hit enter yet.

  11. Inspect the code. It will iterate through each of the selected panels, an AJAX call is made to load the Map Annotations with the namespace that we created from FRAP values above.

  12. NB: If you manually created your own Map Annotation above, you can remove the line url += '&ns=' + ns; to avoid filtering by namespace.

  13. The FRAP values are a list of [key, value] pairs and we can get the value for the current T index of the panel with values[theT][1] and use this to create a label.

  14. Hit Enter to run the code on selected panels.

  15. The labels should be added. Note that you can undo and redo these changes in the UI as normal.

Example 2: Shapes heatmap from OMERO.table

This example uses an OMERO.table linked to each Image to generate a heatmap of colors applied to Shapes on the figure panel.


  1. If you wish to use Images and table data from idr0079, see the setup steps at idr0079-data-prep.

  2. Alternatively, perform the following steps:

  3. For the Image you wish to use, add some ROIs to the Image. You can see the ROI and Shape IDs in the iviewer ROI table.

  4. To setup the OMERO.table, create a CSV file with an Roi column and a Shape column containing the corresponding IDs and 1 or more number columns. The #header defines the column types: l (long) for integers and d (double) for floats. For example:

    # header roi,l,d,d,l
  5. Save the edited csv as data.csv.

  6. With omero-metadata installed on the command-line, we can create an OMERO.table on the Image, using the Image ID:

    $ omero metadata populate Image:123 --file data.csv

OMERO.figure steps:

  1. In OMERO.figure, add the Image to the figure, then in the ROIs dialog, load the Shapes from OMERO and add them to the panel. The JSON data for each Shape will have an id that corresponds to the Shape in OMERO.

  2. View the JavaScript snippet at figure_table_data_shapes.js. This uses the ID of each Shape of the panel to query the most recent OMERO.table on the Image using the endpoint: /webgateway/table/Image/{imageId}/query/?query=Shape-{shapeId}, which returns all table rows for that Shape ID. From the JSON returned, we find the column index for the data we want, e.g. Sphericity, and then get the value for that column. Once the values for all Shapes on the panel are loaded, the code calculates the range and generates a heatmap color for each value in that range. This is set as the color on each Shape.

  3. Select the panel in the figure, then paste the JavaScript code into the browser Console and hit Enter

  4. In the screenshot below, Shapes in the first panel are colored according to the Centroids_RAW_X column and Shapes on the lower panel are colored according to the Sphericity column. Images in this example are from idr0079.
