Analyze OMERO data using MATLAB =============================== MATLAB is a powerful programming platform. We show here how you can analyze data stored in OMERO using MATLAB. We will use \\ as a reference. Description ----------- Here we demonstrate how to analyze a batch of images associated with the paper \ `Subdiffraction imaging of centrosomes reveals higher-order organizational features of pericentriolar material `__\ . We will show: - How to connect to OMERO using MATLAB. - How to load data (dataset, channels information, binary data). - How to analyze images. The channel’s name will be used to determine the channel to analyze. - How to save the generated ROIs to OMERO. - How to save the results stored in a CSV file locally back to the OMERO.server as a FileAnnotation. - How to convert the CSV file into an OMERO.table. Setup ----- Please read :doc:`setup` first. Resources --------- We will use: - Images from IDR `idr0021 `_. For convenience, the IDR data have been imported into the training OMERO.server. This is **only** because we **cannot** save results back to IDR which is a read-only OMERO.server. Step-by-Step ------------ The script used in this document is :download:`idr0021_steps.m <../scripts/idr0021_steps.m>`. #. In the *EDITOR* tab create a new script: .. image:: images/matlab2.png #. Copy the code for the exercises from :download:`idr0021_steps.m <../scripts/idr0021_steps.m>` #. Paste it into the new file and save the script under whatever name you like. **DO NOT RUN** the whole script. #. To follow along the exercises only select the code block of each exercise and run it with "Evaluate Selection": .. image:: images/matlab3.png #. Later exercises cannot be run unless the previous exercises have been executed successfully. #. If **you get stuck**, right-click on the *Workspace* tab, clear the workspace and start again from the beginning: .. image:: images/matlab4.png **Exercise 1** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Objectives:** Connect to OMERO and print out your group ID. **Steps:** - Replace the USER and PASSWORD placeholders with your assigned credentials. - Select the code block of **Exercise 1** - Run it with “Evaluate Selection”. **Exercise 2** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Objectives:** Load dataset and list the images contained in the dataset. **Steps:** - In OMERO.web find the dataset ‘matlab-dataset’ (in Project ‘matlab-project’) - Copy its ID - In the MATLAB code replace DATASET_ID with this ID - Run the code block. **Exercise 3** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Objectives:** Read metadata; in particular find out which protein is the target in the images by looking through the image’s map annotations (key-value pairs). It is the same protein for all four sample images. **Steps:** - Select one image from the dataset - Load the map annotation linked to the image - Select the entry whose key is 'Antibody Target' **Exercise 4** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Objectives:** Find out in which channels the target protein is stained. **Steps:** - Iterate through the dataset - For each Image - Find the channel’s name using the LogicalChannel - Determine the index of the channel whose name matches the value found in the previous exercise **Exercise 5** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Objectives:** Perform a simple image segmentation on one image and display the result. **Steps:** - Iterate through the dataset - Analyze the image whose name is *siControl_N20_Cep215_I_20110411_Mon-1509_0_SIR_PRJ.dv* - Retrieve the plane with ``z=0, t=0, c=channel-1``. Indexes start at `0` in OMERO. - Determine the mean, the standard deviation. **Exercise 6** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Objectives:** Perform the image segmentation on the whole dataset and save the results as ROIs and CSV file. The CSV file is saved as a FileAnnotation **Exercise 7** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Objectives:** Save the results as OMERO.table. This shows how to convert the CSV file into an OMERO.table **Steps:** - Run the code - Go back to OMERO.web - Select an image from the evaluated dataset - Expand the *Tables* harmonica. You should see the results there. - Double-click on the thumbnail of the image and inspect the ROIs in OMERO.iviewer. - Note: You can also use OMERO.parade on the OMERO.table data created in this manner. As OMERO.parade works only on Projects, in OMERO.web - Create a new Project - Put the analyzed Dataset into that Project - Attach the OMERO.table created in **Exercise 7** to the Project - Now you can use OMERO.parade on the Project