View zarr file using MoBIE and BDV


This section shows how to view ome.zarr files in Fiji using MoBIE.

We show:

  • how to install the required dependencies

  • how to view an ome.zarr file stored in S3 using the User Interface

  • how to view an ome.zarr file stored in S3 using the scripting editor of Fiji.


  • Install Fiji on a local machine.

  • Go to Help>Update...

  • In the ImageJ updater dialog, click on Manage update sites.

  • The MoBIE` should already be listed. Select it and click Close.

  • Click Apply changes to install it.

  • If MoBIE` is not listed:
    • Click Add update site.

    • Enter for the name MoBIE (so you can identify it) and for the URL: See How to install an update site.

    • Click Apply changes to install it.

  • Restart Fiji.



Opening an ome.zarr file from the User Interface

  1. Launch Fiji.

  2. Go to Plugins > BigDataViewer > OME ZARR > Open OME ZARR from S3….

  3. A dialog pops up.

  4. In the text field, enter the desired URL e.g.

  1. Click the OK button.

  2. When the image is displayed in the BigDataViewer, select the dialog and press P to display the rendering controls.

  3. Modify the settings as you see fit.

Opening an ome.zarr file using a Groovy script

  1. Launch Fiji.

  2. Go to File > New > Script….

  3. A dialog pops up. In the Language menu, select Groovy.

  4. Copy the content of mobie_ome_zarr.groovy and paste it into the text script editor of Fiji.

  5. Click Run.

  6. When the image is displayed in the BigDataViewer, select the dialog and press P to display the rendering controls.

  7. Modify the settings as you see fit.