Errors explained

<Something> is not a valid target for <SomethingElse>

Objects are selected from a parent object TO a child object (so for example, you cannot select a Project from a Dataset object). You could also get this error if you tried to select an HCS object (Screen, Plate, Well, Run) from a Project or Dataset (or the other way around).

Annotation <XYZ> not found

Try reloading the page. This error can happen when you try to use the script on an object of a group after opening a second tab for a different group.

Cannot split cells with a character used as CSV separator

Multiple Values per cell can be used, but the character to split them must be different from the separator used by the CSV.

CSV rows lenght mismatch: Header has <X> items, while line <line number> has <Y>

This error shows either that one of the CSV row has a different number of item from the header, or that something wrong happened with the parsing of the CSV. (make sure that your CSV separator is not a comma and that you use also a comma to have multiple Value per cells, like in the case of Tags).

Error while reading the CSV, convert your file to utf-8 encoding’utf-8’

The CSV must be in a UTF-8 encoding. You can convert it with a text editor (e.g. Notepad++ for Windows, TextEdit for Mac). We recommend to start from a CSV generated by the “Export to csv” script.

Failed to sniff CSV delimiter

It happens that the sniffer to detect fails to understand what separator was used inside you CSV file. Try instead providing the separator used inside your CSV as parameter of the script (instead of guessing).

File annotation ID must be given when using Tag as source

Because files cannot be attached to Tags, and thus cannot be searched automatically when providing Tags as source, you must provide a file as input to the script.

Neither the column for the objects name or the objects index were found

Make sure that the column in your CSV match the columns given as parameter of the import script. Both are optional, but at least one is required.

No CSV FileAnnotation was found on <OBJ_TYPE>:<OBJ_ID>

When providing no file from the select File button, nor giving a file annotation to read Key-Value pairs from, the script attempt to search specifically for a CSV file attached to the current parent object. If none is found, you obtain this error. Try to provide a CSV file instead of letting the script guessing.

Number of Source IDs and FileAnnotation IDs must match

When providing more than one parent object, the Key-Value pairs can be read from either a single CSV file, or by multiple files. In the later scenario, there must be an identical number of FileAnnotation and parent objects, in order for the script to understand which corresponds to which.

Please confirm that you understood the risks of a batch deletion

It seems that you went a bit too fast and forgot to confirm that you understood the risk associated with a batch deletion of annotations.

Target objects identified by name have duplicate

Because no column specifying the ID of the object to annotate was found, the script attempted to uniquely identify the objects by their name. It seemed however that in the list of all objects founds from the parent you gave, multiple objects have the same name. Please try again by adding a column with the IDs of the objects to annoate. (OBJECT_ID is used by default).

The provided annotation ID must reference a FileAnnotation

The ID of the file annotation seems incorrect. Make sure that you gave the FileAnnotation ID and not the LinkAnnotation ID, as indicated in the image bellow.


The Tag ID:{TAG_ID} is not in the permitted selection of tags

This error either means that the given ID for the Tag is wrong, or that the ID corresponds to a Tag in a different group or belonging to a different user (and option ‘Use only personal tags’ is unchecked). Another possibility is that you have a Tagset with a name made of numbers only, and thus is interpreted as a Tag ID.

The Tag {TAG_NAME} doesn’t correspond to the Tag on the server with ID:{TAG_ID}

This error tells you that the Tag found from the given ID has a name different from the one you used in the CSV. This is to prevent you from using the wrong Tag.

The Tag ‘{TAG_NAME}’ does not exist while creation of new Tags is not permitted

If your Tags do not exist yet (or if you only use your own Tag), remember to check the box ‘Create new tags’ if you wish to generate the Tags automatically.

The Tag ‘{TAG_NAME}’ in Tagset ‘{TAG_SET}’ does not exist while creation of new Tags is not permitted

Same as the error above, but in the case a Tagset is specified.

The CSV contains duplicates {DUPL} which makes it impossible to correctly allocate the annotations

When no ID is used to identify the objects to annotate, names are use instead. In that case, there can not be two object with the same name in the CSV (and in the selected object on OMERO), in which case it is impossible to identify which object should be annotated.


Tom Boissonnet


1.0 of 2024/03/01