Use ilastik as a Fiji plugin and OMERO


In this section, we will show how to use the ilastik user interface to perform segmentations on multi-z images stored in OMERO. The connection between OMERO and ilastik is facilitated via Fiji, for which both OMERO and ilastik have plugins. The segmentation steps in this part are recorded and saved in the form of an ilp file in ilastik (ilastik project). The ilp file is used later for the scripting workflow.

We will show:

  • How to manually open images from OMERO in ilastik using the Fiji plugin for OMERO and Fiji plugin for ilastik.

  • How to segment the multi-z images in ilastik and produce an ilastik Project (ilp file) recording the steps.

  • How to save the results of the segmentation (ROIs and Probability maps) in OMERO, using the manual workflow and Fiji.

  • How to run a script in Fiji, consuming the ilp file and running the segmentation of the images coming from an OMERO Dataset, saving the ROIs on the original images in OMERO.

  • How to manually classify images.


ilastik installation

ilastik plugin for Fiji installation instructions

  • Start Fiji. Update it (Help > Update ImageJ).

  • In the Manage Update Sites check the checkbox next to the “ilastik” site.

  • After the update was successful, restart your Fiji.

  • The new ilastik menu item should be under Plugins menu.

Note: The ilastik menu item might be the last in the Plugins dropdown, not necessarily alphabetically ordered.

OMERO plugin for Fiji installation instructions



Manual training of z-stack segmentation in ilastik

  1. Open Fiji, go to Plugins > OMERO > Connect to OMERO and connect to OMERO.server provided using the credentials provided.

  2. Find the idr0062 Project, the Blastocysts Dataset, open the first image in Fiji.

  3. After image has opened in Fiji, go to Plugins > ilastik > Export HDF5. The ilastik menu item might be the last in the Plugins dropdown, not necessarily alphabetically ordered.

  4. Select a local directory to export to and save the image locally as an .h5 file.

  5. Repeat this step with several images from the Blastocysts Dataset of idr0062.

  6. Start ilastik.

  7. Click on Pixel Classification.

  8. Save a new Project in ilastik.

  9. Still in ilastik, open the image you saved as .h5 in previous steps above (central pane, Add file button).

  10. Three views will open, xy, xz and yz. You can explore the orthogonal views by clicking onto the checkbox in bottom right corner.

  11. In Left-hand pane, click Feature Selection. Select all available features.

  12. You can explore the features at the bottom left corner, but this takes time.

  13. Click on the Training harmonica in the Left-hand pane.

  14. The training UI comes in left-hand pane with two labels already pre-defined by default.

  15. Select the first label, and by drawing LINES into the images, select a couple of cells in all three views.


  16. Select the second label, and again drawing lines, select some background (also select the narrow channels between two almost adjacent cells as bckgr (draw a line through them).

  17. Click on the Live Update button - this will take time, as the image has a large number of planes.

  18. Add new lines on cells which are too dim to be selected.

  19. Click on Live Update.... Repeat.

  20. Stop Live Update

  21. Click on Suggest Features button (to the left of Live Preview button).

  22. A new UI window will open.

  23. Click on Run Feature Selection in the left-hand pane of this new window. This will take time.

  24. Click on Select Feature Set button in the bottom middle of the window.

  25. The Suggest Features window will close on this and you are back in the main ilastik window.

  26. Click Live Update again.

  27. Toggle the images produced visible or not using the eye icons and the rendering settings of the particular images in the list in bottom-left corner. Below is an example of viewing the Segmentation Label 1 and Segmentation Label 2 layers viewable, the other layers (e.g. Raw data) are toggled invisible.

    ../../_images/ilastik5.png ../../_images/ilastik6.png
  28. Add new lines if some segmentation still does not look right.

  29. Click on the Prediction Export harmonica tab. In this tab, we will prepare the parameters of the exported images only, and will do the exporting itself later using the Batch processing harmonica.

  30. In the Prediction Export harmonica, select the features to be exported in the Source dropdown menu in the left-hand pane. Export sequentially Probabilities and Simple Segmentation for all three images you opened from OMERO via Fiji, using the Batch processing harmonica tab, see below.

  31. First, start with selecting simple Segmentation in the Choose Export Image Settings, select the Convert to data Type parameter to be floating 32 bit image6a. The files will be exported into the folder where the original images were, unless you choose otherwise.By default, the export format is HDF5 (file extension .h5).

  32. Now, select in the left-hand pane the harmonica Batch processing. In the centre top row of the view, click on Select Raw Data Files.... Select all the three raw .h5 files on your local machine, including the one you have just trained your pixel classification on.

  33. Click onto the Process all data files button in the left-hand pane.

  34. This will create three .h5 files in the folder you have chosen in the Choose Export Image Settings window (by default, these files will be placed in the folder where your raw data exports from OMERO are), the files will be named ...Simple Segmentation.h5.

  35. Return to Prediction Export harmonica, select the Probabilities parameter in the Source dropdown. Go to the Batch processing harmonica and click onto the Process all data files button in the left-hand pane. This will create another three .h5 files in the local folder, named ...Probabilities.h5.

Manual creation of ROIs in Fiji based on segmentations from ilastik and saving the ROIs to OMERO

  1. Go to Fiji, Plugins > Ilastik > Import...

  2. Browse to one of the “…_Simple Segmentation.h5” files which was created in ilastik in previous step and set the “Axis Order” to tzyxc (this might be the default for you). Do not check the checkbox Apply LUT. Click OK.

  3. The 3D image will open in Fiji. Select Image > Adjust > Brightness and Contrast. Adjust the max slider to the left, until you see the image grow grey (it is probably black just after opening).

  4. Note: Because in ilastik, the Simple Segmentatio` images have the values of 2 where there is an object and 1 for Background, we need to invert the image for Object Analysis in Fiji. The object analysis (done by the ``Analyze particles plugin) is done in order to create ROIs which can be saved to OMERO.

  5. Select Image > 8 bit. This will convert the values in the image into either 0 (cells) or 255 (background).

  6. Select Edit > Invert. This is needed for the subsequent Analyze particles plugin - white objects on black background.

  7. Select Analysis > Analyze Particles.

  8. Change the Size(pixel^2) parameter to 50-infinity

  9. Click OK and in the next dialog answer Yes.

  10. Select Plugins > OMERO > Save image(s) to OMERO. In the importer dialog, select the target Project and Dataset in OMERO or choose a new one.

  11. This will import the Simple segmentation image into OMERO with the ROIs from Fiji on it and the contents of the Results table will be attached to this new image.

  12. In order to have the ROIs from Fiji also on the original, raw image in OMERO.

  13. Do not close the ROI Manager and the Results table.

  14. Open the original raw image from OMERO into Fiji.

  15. Click on the opened image.

  16. Select Plugins > OMERO > Save ROI(s) to OMERO (alternatively, you can re-run the analysis in Fiji by clicking on Measure in the ROI manager of Fiji to produce a new Results table).

  17. In the new dialog, select a name for your results table which will be attached now to the original image.

  18. Click OK.

  19. ROIs and results will be now added to the original, raw image in OMERO

  20. Repeat this workflow with the ...Probabilities.h files. Also, attach the ilastik project itself to the Dataset containing original data in OMERO.

Manual workflow of Object classification on z-stacks in ilastik

  1. Start ilastik, choose the Object classification with Prediction maps option and create a new Project and save it.

  2. Select in the Raw data tab the raw image stored locally and in the Prediction maps tab the prediction map which you saved from the Pixel classification module for this image previously.

  3. Click on Threshold and Size filter harmonica in the left-hand pane. This step discerns the objects form background by means of thresholding (note that the “Prediction maps” values are between 0 and 1, where 1 is 100% probability that the pixel is a cell, 0 is a 100% probability that the pixel is backgr.) The other parameter to specify the object except threshold in this tab is size of the object.

  4. Threshold is 0.5 (if the probability of a pixel is higher than 0.5, then it is deemed to be a cell) image10a

  5. Change Size to minimum 50 image11a.

  6. Leave the rest of the parameters at default and click Apply.

  7. A new image will be added to the stack at bottom left called Final output. The objects are displayed on it in color coding. Again, you can toggle the images visible and change intensities in bottom left corner.

  8. Click on Object Feature Selection harmonica and click on the button Select Features.

  9. In the new window, click on All excl. Location button to select almost all features.

  10. Click on the Label classes harmonica, click on the yellow label (Label 1) image12aand select all the cells in all three orthogonal views images.

  11. Click on Object information export harmonica.

  12. Changing the Source dropdown menu, export sequentially Object Predictions and Object Probabilities.

  13. Click on Configure Feature Table Export button in the left-hand pane and configure the location of the exported Also, changing the export format of the table in the Format dropdown menu, export sequentially the table as HDF as well as CSV format.image14a

  14. In the Features harmonica, click the All button to export all features.

  15. Click OK.

  16. Back in the main ilastik interface, click Export All (repeat as necessary to export all formats of the images and the two formats of the export table).

  17. Save the Project.

  18. Import the CSV to OMERO, as well as the Probabilities.

  19. Make an OMERO.table out of the CSV and attach it on the Project in OMERO. This can be done using plugin or from scratch using the extended groovy script from Fiji.