Predefine object values in OMERO.mde


By using OMERO.mde you can generate a set of predefined values for the available objects. You can predefine different values for same objects by group it in setups.


  1. Open the mdeConfiguration.xml file under <userHome>/omero/.

  2. Insert a new <SetupPre> element under <MDEPredefinitions> with the name of the setup for that you want to specify the values:

            <SetupPre Name="MyCustomSetup">
  3. Insert under this <SetupPre> element an <ObjectPre> element with the name of the object for that you want to specify the values:

            <SetupPre Name="MyCustomSetup">
                <ObjectPre ID="" Type="MyCustomObject"/>
  4. Now you can copy - paste the object properties definied under <ObjectDef> for this object and then specify the Values.

NOTE: You can specify different predefined values for the same object by generate multi <ObjectPre> elements for this object. OMERO.mde than shows you a table of available Elements Predefinitions) for this object.


Specification like:

       <SetupPre Name="MyCustomSetup">
           <ObjectPre Type="MyCustomObject">
               <TagData DefaultValues="" Name="ExampleKey_1" Type="TextField"
                           Unit="" Value="Example Value 1A" Visible="true" />
               <TagData DefaultValues="" Name="ExampleKey_2" Type="TextField"
                           Unit="" Value="Example Value 2A" Visible="true" />
           <ObjectPre Type="MyCustomObject">
               <TagData DefaultValues="" Name="ExampleKey_1" Type="TextField"
                           Unit="" Value="Example Value 1B" Visible="true" />
               <TagData DefaultValues="" Name="ExampleKey_2" Type="TextField"
                           Unit="" Value="Example Value 2B" Visible="true" />
           <ObjectDef Type="MyCustomObject">
               <TagData DefaultValues="" Name="ExampleKey_1" Type="TextField"
                          Unit="" Value="" Visible="true" />
               <TagData DefaultValues="" Name="ExampleKey_2" Type="TextField"
                          Unit="" Value="" Visible="true" />
               <Parents Values="OME:Image" />
           <SetupConf Name="MyCustomSetup">
               <ObjectConf Type ="OME:Image"/>
               <ObjectConf Type="MyCustomObject"/>

will create input form like

Setup:Universal mde_predefExample2_setup1

Setup:MyCustomSetup mde_predefExample2_setup2